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VOLO Technical Terms

Access LevelA mapping of Timezones to Doors
ACUAccess Control Unit (see Controller)
ACU BusThe RS-485 communication line between a VOLO master controller and expansion controllers
Airtime LicenceSee SIM Licence
CommandsMessages or instructions that are sent to Controllers in order to update configuration or activate features.
ConflictsA notification that there are differences between the configuration of a Controller and the desired configuration according to data in the cloud (this will occur briefly with every change made through the VOLO management portal)
Connection ModeIndicates how the Master Controller is configured to communicate (Auto - Ethernet as primary with Modem as secondary, Ethernet - Ethernet only, or GSM - Modem only)
Connection TypeIndicates whether the Master Controller is communicating using the local network (Ethernet) or the VOLO Modem
ControllerA VOLO Controller. An electronic & software device used to manage physical access through doors
Controller LicenceA controller licence is required for each Master Controller. This is required to enable a connection to the VOLO cloud for configuration and event transmission.
CredentialGeneral term for an access credential assigned to a user (see Token, PIN)
CustomerAn 'end user' organisation - the owner of buildings with VOLO installed within them
Customer OperatorA person with access to the VOLO management portal with permission to administer users and schedules in a single Customer account
DoorA door managed through the VOLO system - with electronic lock, readers, exit buttons etc.
Door Open TimeThe number of seconds for which a door is configured to unlock after a valid credential is presented or an exit button is pressed.
Door Held Open TimeThe maximum amount of time a door is permitted to be open before an event is generated flagging that it has been open for too long.
Expansion ControllerA secondary VOLO device on a site - manages up to 2 doors and communicates with the VOLO cloud through a Master Controller
EventA message generated by a VOLO controller or the VOLO system to provide an audit trail of activity on VOLO sites
General Purpose InputAn input-pin on Controllers that can be used as a basic method of integrating with other devices.
General Purpose OutputAn output-pun on Controllers that can be used as a basic method of integrating with other devices.
Geographic TimezoneA regional Timezone (e.g. Greenwich Mean Time GMT)
Hardware ResetResetting a Controller to factory settings (erasing all data and configuration settings)
HolidayA 24-hour period where the usual unlock schedule or access levels will be overridden by a different unlock schedule or access level.
InstallerAn installation organisation - the business responsible for fitting and managing a VOLO installation
Installer OperatorA person with access to the VOLO management portal with permission to configure VOLO hardware across one or more Customer accounts
Installer ToolA USB device that is used to update settings on VOLO controllers locally, instead of through the VOLO management portal
Installer Tool SoftwareDesktop Windows software that is used (in combination with the Installer Tool) to update settings on VOLO Controllers locally.
LicenceA licence is required for each Master Controller connected to the VOLO cloud and each Modem. Also see Controller Licence and SIM Licence.
Master ControllerThe primary VOLO device on a site - manages up to 2 doors and provides communication with the VOLO cloud
ModemThe modem (either 2G or 4G) supplied with a VOLO master controller
NotificationAn in-system prompt to inform Operators that action could be required (e.g. a firmware update is available or a PSU fail has been detected)
OperatorA person with login information and access to the VOLO management portal/website
PINPersonal Identification Number
Power CycleResetting a VOLO Controller (turning it off and on again). This can be done 'softly' through the VOLO management portal, or directly by disconnecting the power and then reconnecting it.
ReportA table of data showing an analysis of the information stored in the VOLO system
Scheduled ReportA Report that is executed automatically, on a schedule, and delivered to one or more email addresses
SIM LicenceA SIM licence is required for each VOLO Modem in use. This is required to enable any communication through cellular networks.
SiteA physical location with VOLO controllers installed to manage security and access
Slave ControllerDeprecated terminology - see Expansion Controller
TimezoneA week-long schedule definition which defines periods of accessible time in which users may gain access through the doors to which the timezone is assigned
Toggle ModeA mode of operation in which a door will toggle between locked and unlocked each time a valid credential is presented. It will remain in each state until a valid credential is presented again.
TokenProximity Token (also see credential)
Triggers & ActionsAutomated actions that can be configured to run in the cloud in response to receiving specific event types from specific Controllers
Triggers & Action I/OAutomated actions that can be configured to run on a Controller in response to specific triggers
UserA person managed who has access to one or more Doors managed through VOLO.